Dayspring Center

Dayspring Center


Dayspring Center is a community organization dedicated to assisting individuals and families experiencing housing emergencies. The center offers comprehensive support for community members as they navigate circumstances that create housing insecurity or perpetuate homelessness. The emergency shelter operates around the clock, offering assistance to families in immediate need of safe shelter. All residents of the shelter receive access to basic necessities like food, clothing and shelter. They also have access to support services and mentorship to help break the cycle of housing insecurity long term, including case management. All those who enter Dayspring Center are also eligible for continued case management and support services after leaving the emergency shelter. These services continue for 6-9 months after former residents obtain housing to ensure that housing is stable and permanent. The Children Services Program targets the needs of children experiencing homelessness, including intensive support and access to a safe shelter. At-risk youth receive ongoing and individualized support before and after school.

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