Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries

Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries


The Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM) has spent over years of continued service providing food, shelter and services to intervene where homelessness and substance addiction occur. DRMM is a faith-based, nonprofit organization recognized by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and has devoted a wealth of resources to meet the basic needs of humanity while motivating individuals to rebuild their lives, one life at a time. DRMM fulfills its mission statement by providing hope to the hopeless, disadvantaged, and homeless men, women, and children of our community by ministering to the total person––body, soul and spirit. With services and programs designed to address the spiritual, physical, emotional, and social needs of those seeking assistance in hopes of becoming faithful Christian disciples in a local church, rehabilitated and employed, and living productive and restored lives. Furthermore, they offer Michigan Prisoner Reentry Services to returning prisoners like housing, spiritual mentoring, case management and transitional jobs. These services enable them to transition back to the community successfully. For further assistance, you should first contact the Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries.

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