Diocesan Prison Ministry Program

Diocesan Prison Ministry Program


The Diocesan Prison Ministry program was founded to support incarcerated individuals through spiritual guidance and healing. Their mission is to minister inside correctional facilities, as well as to advocate for criminal justice reform and to share the love of God with all individuals. The organization operates several programs for incarcerated individuals. The Sunshine Club delivers holiday cards and birthday cards to incarcerated individuals as a way to make them feel connected and seen in the community. The Penpal Program connects those in correctional facilities with community members who provide fellowship and spiritual mentorship through writing. Diocesan Prison Ministry Program also holds worship services in a number of correctional facilities, as well as an annual camp for the children of incarcerated individuals. Children who cannot afford to attend Camp Genesis may be eligible for scholarships to offset the cost. Individuals can contact the organization directly for more information, to request a pen pal or to discuss worship services in their facility.

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