Disability Rights California

Disability Rights California


Disability Rights California (DRC) is an agency designated under federal law to protect and advocate for the rights of Californians with disabilities. DRC works to stop disability discrimination and stigma and makes sure people can fully participate in society and be empowered. DRC works in jails, juvenile facilities and detention centers to improve conditions, eliminate unnecessary isolation and segregation and secure adequate medical and mental health treatment. DRC also works to make sure students with disabilities have what they need to do well in school, that they get equal educational opportunities in the most integrated settings, (under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)), and can access educational opportunities that enrich them both academically and socially. They provide advocacy services to people experiencing disability-related barriers to competitive integrated employment (CIE), so they can obtain meaningful work at a competitive wage in integrated settings.  Through their Client Assistance Program (CAP), DRC assists people with difficulties seeking or receiving vocational rehabilitation services from the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), independent living centers or other Rehabilitation Act-funded programs. 

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