Discipleship Unlimited

Discipleship Unlimited


Discipleship Unlimited (DU) is a faith-based nonprofit organization working as a multi-faceted prison ministry based in Gatesville and Marlin, Texas. Every DU program is designed to lead men and women to salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. DU's goal is to transform hearts from the inside out. They also offer weekly programs and yearly outreaches that enrich incarcerated people including ministry to women on death row and in protective custody. Their Bible studies are tools to aid in the success of reentering society, picking up life again, learning new and better habits, and keeping God central in decisions, geared for women being released from incarceration. Discipleship Unlimited operates faith-based dorms in multiple prisons in Texas. Through Christ-centered programming, curriculum, and interactive small groups, these dorms have proven themselves as effective methods of battling recidivism. The DU Ranch is a Christ-centered facility where women can safely spend up to six months learning to trust in God and develop life skills for reentry. The goal of the ranch is to provide a structured faith-based community for women just released from prison that will equip them to reintegrate into society.

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