Essex Community Justice Center
The Essex Community Justice Center provides Restorative Justice Programs with a focus on crime prevention, conflict resolution and meeting the needs of those affected by crime. Through Community Restorative Justice Panels and other RJ practices, they support victims and provide wrongdoers with the opportunity to acknowledge their wrongdoing and make amends to individuals affected by the crime and the community. In addition, the Essex CJC Community Transition (CT) Program supports people who are leaving incarceration and reentering their communities. This program serves justice-involved people in their first 90 days of community living after being incarcerated. The Community Transition Program provides skill development, social activities, access to training and CJC events, individualized support, job and housing search, treatment referral and assessing how the community can best identify and meet unmet needs by other service providers. Moreover, they offer bus passes, clothing and furniture vouchers, and other resources. Contact the Essex Community Justice Center directly to learn more about their programs.