F5 Project

F5 Project


F5 Project is a nonprofit organization that helps the formerly incarcerated, those suffering from addiction, the veterans and anyone needing housing, recovery resources, peer support or a plan to change their life. F5 provides access to safe housing, community, employment and meets imprisoned people at jails, prisons & recovery centers to help educate them on the resources they’ll need upon leaving their facility. F5 Peer support specialists provide mentorship, advocacy and additional recovery support. F5's Free Through Recovery is a state-sponsored, community-based behavioral health program designed to increase recovery support services to individuals involved with the criminal justice system who have behavioral health concerns. The F5 Project is a Free Through Recovery Provider and helps participants receive educational opportunities, meaningful employment, leisure activities and wellness, family and community social supports, parenting education, spiritual engagement, nourishment assistance programs, and any other individualized resources needed to help participants lead a healthy and fulfilling life. F5's Youth Center connects with youth who have experienced and are continuing to experience, hardship and adversity in their respective worlds, regardless of circumstances.

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