Fellowship House Ministries

Fellowship House Ministries


Fellowship House Ministries is a faith based organization that serves formerly incarcerated individuals and those exiting treatment programs. Staff and volunteers work hard to intervene with individuals as they transition back into the community, supporting individual needs and providing mentorship to help disrupt the cycle of incarceration and substance abuse. Fellowship House Ministries believes that God calls them to extend a helping hand to all members of the community, including formerly incarcerated individuals and their families. Their aftercare and recovery services target the underlying factors that often lead to reoffense. Additionally, the housing center provides a safe, stable and sober environment for residents; without the distractions of the outside world, residents can focus on permanent behavioral and cognitive adjustments to ensure that they return to the community permanently. For more information about Fellowship House Ministries or to request space in the housing center, individuals should contact the program directly or request a referral ahead of release.

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