Firm Foundations Ministries

Firm Foundations Ministries


Firm Foundations Ministries maintains a transitional housing program for formerly incarcerated individuals returning to the community. Their program is a 6-12 month faith-based program that empowers men exiting the corrections system through reentry support, weekly accountability, and strategic programming. Staff and volunteers are dedicated to ensuring that all participants have the best opportunity for a successful transition back into the community by making food and clothing support more accessible, offering job placement services, and offering spiritual guidance throughout participation in the program. Firm Foundations Ministries combines Bible-based curriculum, as well as life skills development and goal setting that motivates participants to live successful, faith-oriented lives outside the incarceration system. In addition to their transitional housing program, their Freedom Initiative program provides spiritual support and reintegration planning for individuals within two years of release. For more information about specific services, individuals should contact the organization directly using the information on this page.

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