FIRST at Blue Ridge

FIRST at Blue Ridge


FIRST at Blue Ridge is a long term residential therapeutic treatment program for those struggling with chronic substance abuse. The program's objective is to provide individuals with addictions the opportunities, advice, and education, as well as to aid them in making good life changes to become responsible and productive members of society. FIRST provides transitional housing, group therapy, self-help sessions, case management, job placement assistance, and other services to people dealing with addiction, homelessness, unemployment, and engagement with the criminal justice system. In addition, the FIRST program encourages active engagement in self-help recovery groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, SMART Recovery, and Refuge Recovery. It holds 12-step groups on campus daily and refers clients to off-campus meetings in the community. Their long-term treatment program for chronic substance users helps individuals develop healthy and productive behaviors that will carry over into their everyday lives. For more information, contact FIRST at Blue Ridge directly.

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