First Baptist Church Montgomery
The First Baptist Church (FBC) is a prison ministry in Montgomery, Alabama. They serve incarcerated men and women in six correctional facilities in the River Region (Kilby, Staton, Tutwiler Main, Tutwiler Annex, Montgomery Women’s Facility, and the Montgomery County Jail). Their staff provides meals to individuals in the Faith Based Dorm quarterly at Elmore Correctional Facility. In addition, FBC volunteers provide counsel and Christian mentorship, Bible studies, and re-entry resources to individuals. FBC Prison Ministry aims to deepen inmate family support, advance resources and mentorship for re-entry persons and increase public awareness and influence systems to advance restorative justice that complements victim advocacy. As part of their re-entry measure, the FBC helps recently pardoned men and paroled by providing free emergency dental care, serving on the board to expand Christian denominational diversity, providing life skills training, and connecting them to employment opportunities. Moreover, the FBC provides devotional services and one-on-one counsel to those labeled as sex offenders and recently released from prison. During the Christmas season First Baptist members give Christmas gifts to children of incarcerated parents. To know more about FBC and their services, please contact them directly.