Forgiven Felons

Forgiven Felons


Forgiven Felons is a faith-based organization offering prison ministry services and assisting formerly incarcerated people in their journey to becoming productive citizens. Their mission is to help people with a past realize their future. Forgiven Felons also host a Background Check Podcast where they share stories of people who have risen above their background and past. The organization also offers help with basic life skills such as navigating public transportation, basic computer skills, resume assistance, and job search support. These are provided by the residents in the house themselves or through reentry programs in Dallas. Their ReGen program is a Christ-centered, biblically-based recovery program. At ReGen, staff work with individuals recovering from all types of addictions, and a daily workbook is utilized as part of the program to help individuals grow spiritually. Forgiven Felons believes creating new habits will push out the old habits and behavior. Also, every Sunday morning Forgiven Felons organizes a Bible study.

Contact Information

PO Box 4283 Cedar Hill, Texas 75106

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