Freedom Project WA

Freedom Project WA


Freedom Project WA is a community-centered and culturally responsive organization that interrupts the cycle of incarceration with programs that provide healing connections and restorative communities for participants both inside and outside prison. Freedom Project's mission is to dismantle the institution of mass incarceration and heal its traumatic effects on our community. Reentry support such as personal one-on-one support, help to find resources – like clothing, transportation, housing is offered. Reentry (Re)Call is a weekly phone support circle offered by FreedomProject, for people who have been formally incarcerated, and connect with people with the same life experiences as you. Freedom Project's R.E.A.L. sessions allow people to get together monthly, both formally and informally for connection, conversation and to help each other deal with the challenges and successes of reentry and life.

Contact Information

227 Wells Avenue North, Renton, Washington 98057

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