Getting Out & Staying Out
Getting Out & Staying Out (GOSO) is a San Francisco-based guide that acts as a resource for people leaving Jails and Prisons. GOSO was created by the Reentry Council of the City and County of San Francisco and focuses on improving access to services for individuals returning to San Francisco after incarceration. GOSO is a searchable directory connecting currently or previously incarcerated people, their family members, service providers, corrections staff, attorneys, probation and parole officers, and other advocates to comprehensive and up-to-date resource information. The Reentry Council’s purpose is to coordinate local efforts to support adults exiting the criminal justice system. At GOSO, you can access in-custody programs, housing resources, resources for family and children, faith-based resources, health and treatment, education, support services, Transitional Age Young Adults (TAY) services, legal and advocacy, employment, resources for Cis/trans women and homeless services. The Goso website has other useful links for incarcerated people and their loved ones. For information on a particular area, please visit the GOSO website.