Gulfstream Goodwill
Gulfstream Goodwill offers a variety of vocational and residential services to underserved and justice involved individuals. Gulfstream Goodwill Industries career programs include vocational training, counseling and referral services, career camps, job readiness preparation and financial literacy training. They also partner with local community partners who employ individuals with criminal records and those with barriers to entering the workforce. They are also part of the Social Security Administration's Ticket to Work program. Gulfstream Goodwill offers justice services for both youth and adults. These services are meant to ease the transition back into the community after incarceration, and to support individuals who are at risk of incarceration. The organization maintains several residential programs for individuals experiencing homelessness, as well as transitional homes for formerly incarcerated individuals and affordable housing communities for those with documented developmental disabilities. For more information about specific services, contact Gulfstream Goodwill directly using the information on this page.