Helping Hands Reentry Outreach Centers

Helping Hands Reentry Outreach Centers


Helping Hands Reentry Outreach Centers is a community organization dedicated to eliminating homelessness in the community. They offer various transitional housing and social service programs designed to support individuals who experience chronic homelessness or are at risk of housing displacement. Though staff hope to support as many individuals are possible, they are unable to serve those individuals who have convictions for sex based crimes, or those who are not permitted to be around children. Qualifying individuals have access to an emergency shelter for moments of crisis. Additionally, formerly incarcerated individuals and those returning to the community after treatment for substance abuse have access to the Reentry Services program. This program, called Helping Hands, more targeted assistance with food stamps, government assistance and more permanent solutions for housing. Those in the program commit to random drug testing, as well as performing regularly community service and applying for jobs until the obtain employment.

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