Hope Atlanta
Hope Atlanta is a community-based organization founded to address the ongoing issues of homelessness and hunger in Atlanta. They are dedicated to assisting Georgians who are experiencing housing or food emergencies. Hope Atlanta understands that homelessness, food poverty and race are often intertwined, and they consider their efforts to provide stable housing and nutrition a necessary addition to racial justice efforts. The organization offers several programs based on the needs of each individual. Housing programs include assistance with locating and finding sustainable, affordable housing, as well as limited space in supportive housing and special needs housing communities for qualifying individuals. They also provide rapid re-housing, family reunification and support through an assessment center that refers individuals to community supports. Hope Atlanta also maintains several food programs, including the Smart Lunch Smart Kid program which provides summer meals to children who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Adults and families may be eligible to make use of Hope Atlanta's food boxes, community kitchens and food pantry as well. For more information, contact the organization using the information provided on the website or visit one of their physical locations.