House Where Jesus Shines

House Where Jesus Shines


House Where Jesus Shines is a faith-based after-care facility designed for men being released from incarceration. Their goal is to successfully and productively reintegrate men into society. House Where Jesus Shines is a ministry of the Church of Open Doors—a faith-based organization. The facility takes all men except those who are registered citizens. Through their residential reentry program, staff assist men with finding gainful employment to suit their qualifications. Participants are further provided with practical life skills training. The organization aims to restore individuals' dignity, mend their self-esteem and help renew their mind to recognize and respect necessary boundaries and become productive citizens. The team at Mercy ministry helps families in times of losing loved ones by providing food or helping with household chores. Assistance may also include helping those returning home from hospital stays or wherever a need is created by illness or death. Contact House Where Jesus Shines directly to learn more about their programs and services.

Contact Information

900 N. LOOP 340 Waco, Texas 76705

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