Ketchikan Reentry Coalition
Ketchikan Reentry Coalition (KRC) is a re-entry program. Its mission is to aid citizens returning from incarceration in successfully reintegrating by adopting pro-social behaviors through social and cultural supports. In addition, the KRC works to produce a safer community. They do this by significantly reducing recidivism by ensuring each reentrant has the support necessary to reintegrate and become self-sufficient successfully. Ketchikan works with the Department of Corrections, behavioral & physical health providers, employers, landlords, tribal organizations, and community leaders to provide robust, holistic support for reentrants. They seek to support reentrants in five focus areas: housing, employment & meaningful engagement, healthcare, cultural & community connection, and transportation. Each client is assigned a Reentry Navigator who will assist with creating a transition plan, identify needs and goals, and access available services and supports. Navigators work to help clients solve problem-solving issues that arise and develop a community of support for each client. Navigators help clients solve problem-solving problems and create a community of support for each client to reentrants in the Ketchikan area. Please get in touch with them for more information on the services provided by KRC.