Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo, Inc.
Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo, Inc. is a group of nonprofit attorneys, social workers, and justice advocates that help low income citizens of Erie, Niagara, Cattaraugus, Orleans, and Chautauqua counties. The organization's reentry programs help qualified individuals with various issues, including employment, housing, educational opportunities, Child Support, DMV suspensions, and other issues. In addition, the group's Legal Aid Bureau is responsible for the compulsory representation of underprivileged people charged with offenses under the New York State Penal Law and the Vehicle & Traffic Law, as well as D and E felonies, in the city of Buffalo. Attorneys for Children (AFC) Unit at the Legal Aid Bureau provides legal representation and counsel to Erie County children involved in child welfare, juvenile justice, and associated Family Court procedures. For more information about specific services, or to request representation, individuals should contact the Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo, Inc. directly using the information on this page.