Leslie’s Place

Leslie’s Place


Leslie's Place provides a home and support for women who are re-adjusting to society. They help transform the lives of formerly incarcerated females every day. Leslie's Place has provided a safe home, clothing, training, counseling and support for nearly 500 women. While 60% of previously incarcerated in Illinois are re-incarcerated in the first year after their release, 93% of Leslie's Place residents never return to prison. Their success is partly due to the programs, services and support that Leslie's Place provides. Leslie conducts support services for women in prison and just out of prison, including prison ministry and workshops on domestic violence, self-esteem, parenting, and motivation. She also speaks to many communities, churches and educational groups. In addition, this place offers programs such as group/individual recovery coaching, job placement, job referrals and interviewing techniques, computer training, parenting workshops, life-skills workshops and spiritual support/self-esteem seminars. Leslie's Place also provides services like transportation cards, help obtaining clothing, resolving child custody issues, assistance in finding permanent housing and medical services on-premises. If you have any questions about this organization, please use the contact information on the right-hand side of the page.

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