llinois Legal Aid Online

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llinois Legal Aid Online

Illinois Legal Aid Online, or ILAO, is a nonprofit organization that provides self-help legal aid services to impoverished individuals unable to afford a lawyer. For over twenty years, the goal of Illinois Legal Aid Online has been to simplify the law, making it more understandable and accessible to individuals in need. While unable to provide a lawyer or direct legal help, ILAO gives over three million individuals per year the tools they need to help themselves, navigate the law, and seek justice. Their self-help services were designed to assists anyone confused and in legal crisis. They provide legal resources for family and safety, house and apartment, money and debt, business and work, school and education, health and insurance, citizens and immigration, crime and traffic, court and hearings. They provide updated Illinois law in both spanish and English. Contact Illinois Legal Aid Online directly for answers to any questions or more information on their self-help legal aid services.

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