Matthew House
Matthew House is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to assisting the families of people incarcerated in Washington’s prisons. They support these families with a clothing closet, a food pantry, shelter in their three apartments, transportation to various prisons throughout the state, childcare and adult counseling. Their Children’s Center is a play area outside and inside, available for the kids to play on while you wait to visit your loved ones who are incarcerated or while you stay in an apartment. In addition, if the prison determines you are not appropriately dressed for your visit to the visiting room, the officers may direct you to Matthew House and get appropriate clothes so you may go back and visit your loved one. Mathew House also provides emergency food to the families of those incarcerated. Lastly, their Welcome Room offers tea/coffee, a place to relax, read a magazine and refresh, talk with friends, share concerns or find a warm listening ear from staff. Contact Matthew House for more information on their services.