Northeast Kingdom Youth Services
Northeast Kingdom Youth Services, or NEKYS, is a community-based organization in St. Johnsbury, VT that creates opportunities for youth, adults and families to strengthen life skills and resiliency in the face of adversity. Their youth programs support youth ages 12 to 23 who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, have current or past involvement with foster care, have mental health issues, substance abuse or legal issues, and are pregnant or parenting. Positive youth development techniques are used to identify strengths and achieve goals related to housing, education, employment and life skills. NEKYS' Youth in Transition program provides case management and individualized service planning. They also perform outreach to young adults out of school and provide support at critical times in the juvenile and criminal justice system. Young adults are also provided with assistance in finding employment, filling out college paperwork and enrolling in health care or state aid. Contact the Northeast Kingdom Youth Services directly for more information about their programs and services.