Our Brothers Keepers

Our Brothers Keepers


Our Brothers Keepers is a faith based community program that offers support for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals. Volunteers and staff understand the importance of ongoing support and spiritual guidance for justice involved individuals who face barriers to reintegration and struggle to maintain an independent life outside prison. They offer a combination of reentry services classes, probation and parole support, and life skills classes that focus on the underlying factors related to continued involvement with the justice system. Reentry classes help participants develop important life skills, prepare to reenter the workforce after incarceration and work toward healing the wounds that perpetuate incarceration. Probation and parole services are designed to meet the specified requirements of justice involved individuals under court supervision, such as anger management and conflict resolution courses. Other classes assist justice involved individuals with obtaining a GED, developing important literacy skills and connecting with community support organizations that further assist individuals who face barriers to self-sufficient living.

Contact Information

614 N 7th St, East Saint Louis, Illinois 62201

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