Port of Hope

Port of Hope


Port of Hope is a community based nonprofit organization committed to providing quality treatment and recovery services to individuals in need. They offer a number of services, including: social detoxification, intensive residential treatment, DUI evaluations, DUI classes, individual and group counseling services, and an intensive outpatient program. All participants must first undergo screening and assessment to determine individual needs. Those who are eligible for intensive residential treatment live in the treatment facility for up to 90 days while they attend treatment workshops and regular counseling services. Only those who do not require medical detoxification are eligible for this service. The Port of Hope outpatient program offers extended services to those who are in recovery but capable of living in the community. This program does not have a concrete timeline, so individuals may be eligible for ongoing services throughout the recovery process. For more information, contact the organization directly using the information on this page.

Contact Information

508 E Florida Avenue Nampa, Idaho 83686

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