Re-Entry Center Riviera Beach

Re-Entry Center Riviera Beach


Re-Entry Center Riviera Beach is an organization committed to providing services to individuals entering the community after incarceration. Their mission is to offer rehabilitative services to formerly incarcerated individuals and work toward permanent reintegration into society. Staff and volunteers understand the unique barriers that individuals face after incarceration and tailor support to meet these needs. Individuals receive assistance obtaining government identification and applying for eligible government services. Re-Entry Center Riviera Beach develops individualized care plans after an initial meeting with participants. These plans may include services for individuals who require mental health treatment, anger management courses, job development and placement, recovery services and family reunification. Staff can also assist with the restoration of certain rights and assistance earning a GED. All individuals reentering the Palm Beach County community are eligible for services within the first 18-24 months after release. For more information about specific services, contact the organization directly using the information provided on their website.

Contact Information

2051 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, Suite 307, Riviera Beach, Florida 33404

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