Re-entry Providers Association of California
Re-Entry Providers Association of California is a collaborative partnership of organizations serving formerly incarcerated people. Their mission is to help all member organizations address racial and socioeconomic inequity through evidence based methods and an experienced legal team. Re-Entry Providers Association of California advocates on behalf of its member organizations who offer support services, directly or indirectly, to individuals reintegrating into the community after incarceration. They believe in the importance of assisting formerly incarcerated individuals in their pursuit of stable housing, sustainable employment and educational opportunities. Together, the partnership works to reduce recidivism rates and disrupt the cycle of incarceration. Staff at Re-Entry Providers Association of California compile data and develop plans to address the gaps and barriers that formerly incarcerated people face during reentry. They also work with legislators and the Governor's office to effect permanent reform in the justice system. For more information or assistance locating local resources, use the contact information provided on this page.