Reenter NYC
Reenter NYC serves as a central hub of resources for housing, education, job, medical assistance, and obtaining identification for those who have served time behind bars in New York City. The organization also makes the job search process easier. Employment Works is a program administered by the New York City Department of Probation and Small Business Services. They assist individuals on probation in Manhattan and the Bronx in preparing for and maintaining employment. The Reenter NYC database contains useful resources for people struggling with employment. The Fortune Society provides job readiness training, resume writing, interview preparation, problem solving, and more. GOSO (Getting Out Staying Out) has assisted formerly incarcerated individuals in New York City by promoting a three-step approach to education, employment, and mental well being. Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow (OBT) contains several programs that assist underserved areas in obtaining the resources they require for economic opportunity. Reenter NYC's website also has a comprehensive list of materials for voters to regain their voting rights.