Restorative Justice: RSVP

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Restorative Justice: RSVP

Resolve to Stop the Violence Project is a restorative justice effort created by the San Francisco Sheriff's Department. The initiative, known as RSVP, is an innovative violence prevention program that blends individual accountability, victim restoration, and community engagement to lower recidivism rates, successfully return formerly incarcerated individuals to their communities, and prevent future violence. Resolve to Stop the Violence was conceptualized and founded through the San Francisco Sheriff's Department. The program is aimed at individuals with convictions for violent crime and engages these individuals both during and after their incarceration. Rather than segregating these individuals while they are in custody, those with violent convictions are encouraged each year to take part in a program founded on the values of restorative justice. The goal is help participants develop the skills to manage conflict in healthy, productive ways while internalizing the wide reaching impact their violence causes. For more information, contact the organization directly.

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