Return House
Return House offers a reentry program for young men between the ages of 18 to 26 that are returning to the community after being incarcerated. This program is offered by the Washington County Youth Service Bureau Boys and Girls Club— a non-profit organization that assists young people and families. The Return House reentry program is 6 to 12 months long and begins before participants are released from jail. This 10-bed residential facility is location in Barre, Vermont. 24-hour support is provided to accompany participants through the re-entry process and provide aftercare services following completion of the program. The goal of this program is to help participants develop the relationships, practical life skills, and behaviors to become lawful, productive, and valued members of the community. Program services include training and mentoring in job skills and job-readiness, independent living, non-violent communication and conflict resolution, positive leisure time activities, coordination with area service providers for healthcare, transportation, education, parenting assistance, substance abuse treatment, and more. Contact Return House directly for more information on their services.