Rise and Recover Re-entry Court Program

Rise and Recover Re-entry Court Program


Rise and Recover is a voluntary reentry court program offered to some individuals after being convicted of a crime in Louisiana. This program is offered by United States Probation Office Eastern District of Louisiana. The Re-entry Court Program will last a minimum of 14 months. Participants of this program voluntarily put themselves under intensive supervision of the court, including supervision by a Re-entry Court Officer (RCO), participation of drug and alcohol evaluation, drug and alcohol abstinence and testing, and engagement in any and all recommended treatments. Successful completion of the program may result better treatment options for health and welfare services, family counseling, educational and vocational placement, a one year reduction in supervision term, and possible dismissal of pending probation hearing and/or petition. Individuals interested in the Rise and Recover program must reach out to their officer to learn more about eligibility requirements and for more information on the program.

Contact Information

500 Poydras Street, Room B505 New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

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