Salvation Army Freedom Center’s Pathway Forward Program

Salvation Army Freedom Center’s Pathway Forward Program


Salvation Army Freedom Center's Pathway Forward Program is committed to supporting individuals during the reentry process. Staff work with individuals who are returning to the community after incarceration in an effort to reduce incarceration rates and lower the chance at recidivism. The organization believes that support services are essential to breaking the cycle of incarceration for justice involved individuals. The Pathway Forward Program includes: a resident advisor/counselor, counseling and guidance services, substance abuse and mental health support, restorative justice and life skills support, academic and employment development, and job readiness. Eligible participants live in transitional housing designed for formerly incarcerated individuals referred by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. All residents receive assistance obtaining employment, developing strategies to cope with stress, and work toward permanent, self-sufficient living. Some may also receive family reunification support. For more information about specific services, individuals should contact the organization directly using the information on this page.

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