Santa Maria Hostel
Santa Maria Hostel is a nonprofit substance use treatment center that provides life changing services to women and their children in the Harris County, Texas area. Clients typically face challenges to their recovery, including histories of trauma, criminal justice and Children’s Protective Services involvement, and homelessness or housing instability. Many also have co-occurring mental and physical health issues. Santa Maria ensures timely access to care, treatment and services when a woman is involved in the criminal justice system or the Family Protective Services (FPS) system. Their Court Liaison program provides helpful connections between Santa Maria, the client, the courts and/or the FPS. The court liaison guides and instructs the client to ensures appropriate documentation is available to the courts or FPS. Through the various services offered by Santa Maria, individuals complete substance use treatment, acquire parenting skills, develop job readiness skills, attain education and employment goals, gain critical life skills, and receive referrals and information for resources to obtain permanent housing. Contact Santa Maria Hostel directly for more information on their services.