Second Chance Center, Inc.
Second Chance Center helps the formerly incarcerated successfully transition into society with proper education, support, and resources. They provide education, resources, and support to successfully re-enter the community. Their Never Going Back (NGB) Mentoring and Motivational program instill positive thought patterns that form genuine change. They offer both pre-release and post-release mentoring and case management. They mentor in the Colorado Department of Corrections prisons and Community Corrections facilities to assess participants’ risks and needs pre-release and then develop a detailed transition plan with re-entry resources and support. Their employment, career and occupational services are designed to give clients the support and resources they need to prepare for, attain, and excel in a new job. They offer a variety of housing and transportation solutions for our clients including emergency housing, permanent supportive housing, and RTD transportation assistance. They equip their clients with the tools and techniques to successfully manage addiction. They also empower clients to be active in the political and social systems that have impacted their lives and understand their civic rights and responsibilities.