Second Look Texas
Second Look Texas is an advocacy organization with a mission to support justice involved youth who were incarcerated as teenagers and received extreme sentences under the “Tough on Crime” era. They advocate for parole eligibility after 20 years served and guide them through societal reintegration. This organization believes that juveniles have a greater capacity for rehabilitation as they continue to reach developmental maturity. Research concerning recidivism and adolescent development supports that juvenile offenders are often rehabilitated well before their parole eligibility. However, Texas’ current 40-year minimum eligibility fails to provide once-juvenile wrongdoers with a meaningful opportunity to reenter society as adults. Therefore, Second Look Texas advocates in favor of enacting legislation that would give an earlier shot at parole for these once-juveniles who have shown maturity and rehabilitation since their sentence. In addition, Second Look Texas provides post-release residential services at their Jacob House in Galveston County. Contact the organization directly for more information.