The Eisenhower Foundation: Reintegration of Previously Incarcerated Persons
Reintegration of Previously Incarcerated Persons is a partner program under the Eisenhower Foundation focused on reintegration. The organization prioritizes job development services and placement in the workforce to assist formerly incarcerated individuals who may otherwise face barriers to securing sustainable employment due to criminal convictions. Through the Eisenhower Foundation, the organization has replicated the Argus Education and Job Training program, an evidence-based program with proven results among justice involved participants. Currently, they are partnering with Spectrum Resources, an organization offering a modified version of the Argus Education and Job Training curriculum in order to train formerly incarcerated individuals on the technical aspects of installing solar panels. This is one of the leading industries in the United States, and Spectrum Resources is helping to develop the skills their clients need to locate long-term, sustainable employment. For more information about specific services or to request entry into the program, contact the organization directly.