Total Restoration Transformation Center, Inc.
Total Restoration Transformation Center, Inc. is passionately dedicated to supporting individuals experiencing homelessness. Initially, the scope of the organization was small, providing sandwiches and soup to individuals experiencing homeless. Today, the organization serves more than 600 community members through its expansive offerings of food, clothing and religious mentorship. The Door of Hope Reentry Program has a mission to ensure that all those who participate have access to effective, social programming that increases their chances at permanent reentry. Case Management services help individuals meet the specific needs required by their release. Though a seemingly small gesture, the Door of Hope Connection provides working cell phones to individuals during the reentry process. The rationale is that connectivity is a vital role in helping individuals obtain employment, pursue educational opportunities and locate housing services. For more information about the services offered, individuals are encouraged to contact Total Restoration Transformation Center directly using the information on this page.