Virgin Islands Office of the Territorial Public Defender St. Croix Office
The Office of the Territorial Public Defender (OTPD) is a semi-autonomous agency of the judicial branch of government that represents indigent criminal defendants that appear before the Superior and Supreme Courts of the Virgin Islands. The OTPD is comprised of two district offices, one in St. Thomas and the other in St. Croix. This office has three divisions—Appellate, Criminal and Family Division. The St. Croix Office has five public defenders that provide legal representation to indigent adults and children facing a loss of liberty in the United States Virgin Islands, thereby protecting society's interest in the fair administration of justice. The public defenders represent individuals who are charged with misdemeanors and felonies. Caseloads include matters wherein the client faces minimal penalties, significant consequences, and a life sentence in the most extreme circumstances. In addition, the attorneys discuss with clients the possible collateral consequences of criminal convictions, such as, but not limited to, sex offender registration, loss of driving privileges, and /or immigration issues. They also represent children under the age of nineteen that are accused of crimes under the Virgin Islands Code. For more information on services offered by the OTPD's St. Croix office, please contact them directly.