Washington’s College In Prison Program

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Washington’s College In Prison Program

Washington’s College in Prisons Program provides education programs to incarcerated individuals. This initiative is led by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. They help all justice-involved individuals, including the formerly incarcerated, by providing opportunities to gain job skills so their clients are much more likely to be successful in the community upon release. Additional lists of colleges that partner with prison facilities in Washington to provide educational opportunities to incarcerated people can be found on their website. These prisons offer GED preparation programs, and adult basic education programs, which provide a foundational education in reading, writing, math and English. Several prisons also offer High School Plus, a competency-based high school diploma program. With HS+, students can earn high school credits by proving they have mastered required subjects through past education or life experience. Students then take classes to fill in the gaps and earn a high school diploma. Job search and anger management courses are also available at every prison. Contact Washington’s College in Prisons Program for more information on their services.

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