Women at the Well

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Women at the Well

Women at the Well is a structured United Methodist ministry located inside the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women. They meet every Thursday evening and stream ministry services live through Facebook. Unlike many prison ministry programs, Women at the Well is comprised almost entirely of currently incarcerated women in the corrections facility. In addition to regular ministry in the facility, Women at the Well fosters faith-based reentry teams. A faith-based reentry team includes a group of 5-7 trained volunteers from one or more congregations within a group who agree to meet once a week with a recently released woman. Team members center 4 main areas: mentor-ship, accountability, goal setting, and faith formation. The team is to act as both a support and a safety net, while holding the client accountable for her actions. With the team's prayerful support and assistance, she can improve and develop healthy adult relationships while increasing her chances of successfully returning to the community.

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