Women’s Clinic – Dream Centers

Section Title

Women’s Clinic – Dream Centers

Women's Clinic - Dream Centers is a faith-based nonprofit clinic that offers free health services to uninsured and underinsured women in Colorado. This compassionate agency offers a wraparound, holistic health care approach that includes physical health, spiritual strength and mental wellbeing for women between the ages of 13 and 64. Gynecology is the primary focus of this clinic with specific services that include, but are not limited to: well woman exam, STI testing and treatment, pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, birth control, family planning education, menopause and hormone management, breast and cervical cancer screenings for women 40-64 years old. In addition to gynecology services, they also offer mental health counseling, prayer ministry, chiropractic care, and medical message. Women's Clinic - Dream Centers can also provide referrals to other local agencies for resources that are outside their scope of care. Contact Women's Clinic - Dream Centers directly for answers to any questions and more information on their women's health care services.

Contact Information

4360 Montebello Drive, Suite 900, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918

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