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Yelp is an online platform that provides users with information and reviews of local businesses. Founded in 2004, Yelp's mission is to connect people with great local businesses. Yelp users can search for businesses by category or location, and read reviews and ratings from other users. The platform also offers features like online reservations, food ordering, and appointment scheduling. Business owners can claim their Yelp listing and respond to reviews, as well as advertise and promote their business on the platform.
Additionally, Yelp is a second-chance employer and will consider for employment qualified candidates with arrest and conviction records, consistent with applicable law (including, for example, the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance for roles based in San Francisco). Interested applicants can reach out to their Human Resources Department for information on second chance hiring policy and procedure.


140 New Montgomery St 9th floor San Francisco, California 94105

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