Yes. You can talk to your loved one’s lawyer about their status in prison. But they can only tell you things if your loved one gave them permission to say them. And they may also want to keep certain things private so that they remain protected by the attorney-client privilege.
What can your loved one’s lawyer tell you about their status in prison?
If your loved one wants you to know about their status in prison, they can give their lawyer permission to share their conversations with you. Otherwise, their lawyer cannot share those details with anyone. This is because of attorney-client privilege. It means that a lawyer often doesn’t have to say anything about their conversations with clients.
Ask your loved one to grant permission. Some lawyers may require that the permission be in writing. After that, the lawyer can share any information about your loved one with you.
How can a lawyer learn about your loved one’s status in prison?
Your love one’s lawyer may not have access to information that you can’t find. The prison likely won’t give them more information than what is available to you except for in special circumstances.
But the lawyer will know more about procedures and rules than you do. Because they know, they may be able to work through the steps to get information. A lawyer could know who to ask for information at the prison. They may also know the steps to request the information in other ways.

How can a lawyer help you and your loved one?
Lawyers can be very helpful when a loved one is in prison. Here are some ways they can benefit you and your loved one:
- Understanding legal processes. A lawyer understands the legal issues that affect your loved one. If you want to lodge a complaint, begin a lawsuit or file an appeal, a lawyer may be able to help. You can learn this information on your own, but some lawyers specialize in these areas of law.
- Keeping evidence organized. If a lawyer represents your loved one, they will organize the evidence and other case information. Many legal motions need specific evidence or information. Attorneys are more familiar with what evidence or information is needed and can organize it that way.
- Representing your loved one in court. Your loved one can represent themselves in court. Many prisoners do. But a lawyer will give your loved one professional representation. They know how to file a motion and follow courtroom rules.
- Understanding rights. A criminal defense lawyer also knows what your loved one’s rights look like in prison. They can tell you and your loved one if the prison staff has violated their rights. A lawyer will also be able to cite specific laws to help your loved one win a lawsuit.

The Takeaway:
You can talk to your loved one’s lawyer about their status in prison. But they can only share information with you if your loved one gives them permission. A lawyer may not have special access to information. But they should understand the laws that can help you and your loved one.