Search Results for: United States Supreme Court

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News: The Impact of Overturning Roe v Wade on Criminal Justice

The Supreme Court will overturn Roe v Wade in the near future, and the impacts on the criminal justice system are clear already.


Explainer: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Thompson v Clark

In Thompson v Clark, the U.S. Supreme Court held that plaintiffs need only prove they weren’t convicted to bring a Fourth Amendment claim.


Explainer: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Ramirez v Collier

In a case called Ramirez v Collier, the U.S. Supreme Court delayed an execution based on a prisoner’s religious-freedom rights.


When Can Police Arrest You?

Before police can arrest you, they must have probable cause. This probable-cause requirement comes from the Constitution.


News: 17 Attorneys General Call On SCOTUS Not To Limit First Step Act

SCOTUS is on track to decide what courts may consider for relief under the First Step Act. Now, 17 attorneys generals are weighing in.


What Rights Do You Have When Police Knock On Your Door?

When police knock on your door, you probably know you have legal rights that protect you. But do you know which ones?


How Do You Know What Caselaw Applies to Your Case?

If you are facing a trial, the final decision in your case may be based on rules of law created by previous cases. “Caselaws” or “precedents” means the rules established by those previous cases. The judge cites the caselaws as an example to justify their present case decisions.


What Are Your Rights to Use the Legal Library in Prison?

In the United States, many prisons have a legal library. In most cases, you can use the books and other information in this library to help you with any legal matters you may have. But your rights to use the legal library in prison can be a little complicated.


What Rights Do You Have During an Arrest?

During and after an arrest, you do have rights. These rights are mostly protected by the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments.


Everything You Need To Know About Your Eighth Amendment Rights

Your Eighth Amendment rights protect you from unreasonable punishment by the government. How do they change after a conviction? Read more.


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