Gospel Echoes Team Prison Ministry Association, Inc.

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Gospel Echoes Team Prison Ministry Association, Inc.

Gospel Echoes, in partnership with the local church, provides its’ ministries free to prison incarcerated people and chaplains. They also organize special prison projects such as Freedom Rallies and the Cookie Project for “sharing the hope of Jesus” in a personal way. Gospel Echoes visits over 450 prisons and ships over 558,000 pieces of literature to incarcerated people each year. Over 150,000 prison incarcerated people have enrolled in the Gospel Echoes Bible Study School of Correspondence. Many come to know Jesus Christ and accept Him into their hearts and lives. An eight-series Bible Study Correspondence Course is offered free to incarcerated people. The grading network brings hope to incarcerated people and impacts their lives with encouraging remarks and study helps as they grade their lessons. The scripture address booklet, a pocket-size address booklet for incarcerated people which provides space for names and addresses of loved ones, a current and “next year” calendar, and scripture verses introducing the plan of salvation. Gospel Echoes also provides an 850 word, simplified, easy-to-read pocket New Testament. This Testament includes a topical index with 180 pages of special study helps. New believers are led through a series of studies that will strengthen their faith. These helps are fundamental in building a strong foundation on God’s Word.

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