Idaho Department of Correction Reentry Services

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Idaho Department of Correction Reentry Services

Idaho Department of Correction Reentry Services is tasked with easing transitions back into the community after incarceration. Their educational staff provide a pre-release course that covers life skills like budgeting, applying for employment and discussing a felony conviction, as well as effectively communicating with a probation and parole officer. Additionally, individuals who are identified as having a high-level of needs, such as those with severe mental illness or who lack housing, are referred to a reentry specialist. Reentry specialists help bridge the chasm from prison to the community by collaborating with prison-based case managers, and with probation and parole officers, to create a comprehensive case plan tailored to the individuals. Reentry specialists typically provide direct services for approximately 90 days after they are released to the community. However, individuals with a sudden change (e.g., a person on parole has lost their housing) can approach a reentry specialists for assistance in finding new resources.

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