Iowa Consortium for Higher Education in Prisons

Section Title

Iowa Consortium for Higher Education in Prisons

The Iowa Consortium for Higher Education in Prison is committed to offering high quality and accessible educational opportunities, promoting the successful reentry of citizens returning to the community after incarceration, and restoring personal dignity for incarcerated individuals. Staff in the organization recognize the talent and contributions of incarcerated students to institutions of higher learning. The Iowa Consortium for Higher Education in Prison is a collaborative partnership of institutions of higher education, the Iowa Department of Corrections, Iowa Department of Education and the Iowa Board of Regents. All colleges and universities that provide postsecondary credit, non-credit CTE and academic programs in Iowa correctional facilities will receive approval from the Iowa Department of Corrections based on the advice of active members in the Iowa Consortium for Higher Education in Prison. For more information about specific services or courses offered at an institution, individuals are encouraged to contact the organization directly using the information on this page.

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