James River Horse Foundation

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James River Horse Foundation

The James River Horse Foundation is a safe haven for former race horses in need of strategic healthcare and rehabilitation. The goal of the organization is to rehabilitate former race horses for life after a strenuous and physically taxing career before adopting them out to caring owners. Horses who are not adopted out remain at James River Horse Foundation for life and receiving ongoing care from workers. While the program previously partnered with the Virginia Department of Corrections to staff the ranch with incarcerated men, the State Farm Work Center is now staff entirely by incarcerated women. These women receive specialized training and provide direct care for the horses throughout their time at James River Horse Foundation. This opportunity offers incarcerated women a change to engage in work outside the prison, but also puts them in direct contact with animals. Working with the horses improves emotional and mental stability, teaches women real world skills that they can apply after release and encourages them to invest in living creatures who depend on them to survive.

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