Living Classrooms – Project Serve

Living Classrooms – Project Serve


Living Classrooms provide access to more equitable education, workforce development, community safety, and health and wellness opportunities that enable individuals to achieve their aspirations and build safer, stronger, and healthier communities. Project SERVE (Service, Empowerment, Revitalization, Validation, Employment training) operates out of Living Classrooms’ Broadway Overlook Community Center. It addresses the issue of high unemployment and high recidivism among returning citizens in Baltimore City. SERVE provides on-the-job training for 150 unemployed adults per year in marketable skills while they revitalize Baltimore neighborhoods. While still incarcerated, participants begin receiving “wrap-around” services, and on the day of their release, they become full-time SERVE members. The program helps members overcome some of the significant barriers to employment and economic mobility faced by this population: lack of marketable skills and/or employment history, employer reluctance, social stigma, and lack of support system. Project SERVE uses evidence-based practices for re-entry initiatives in a model that provides pre-release support, rapid attachment to employment, barrier mitigation and career planning, career readiness and paid occupational skills training, career placement, and 12 months of post-program follow-up support. SERVE represents a commitment to improving the streets and buildings of Baltimore and an investment in the future of each client they serve, helping them start a career and contribute to cleaning up Baltimore. For further information, please contact Living Classrooms directly.

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